K Renee Marlow, LCSW, BCD

K Renee Marlow, LCSW, BCD



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K. Renee Marlow is a therapist in private practice in Tulsa, Oklahoma. All therapy and counseling services are provided with complete confidentially, care, respect, and non-judgment. K. Renee Marlow is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Board Certified Diplomat in Social Work, and a Certified Group Psychotherapist. She has been in practice for over 30 years and has always had a broad general practice, which she prefers due to her abilities, when appropriate, to shift gears to work with individuals, couples, families, or groups. It also fits her varied interests professionally in diverse aspects of practice.

She works with individuals, couples, and families to overcome issues of depression, anxiety, ADHD, addiction, and relationship problems. She assists couples in recovering from issues of affairs, addictions, transitions, and ineffective relationship patterns. Counseling and therapy with client’s recovering from trauma, particularly childhood sexual abuse, is a specialty.

Practice Areas

Service Areas

Tulsa Metro